Thursday, November 23, 2017

Book Week!!!

Hi guys
                                It’s Me
                                                                    I’m Back           

Today I will tell you about... Book Week!!!
for a week we had the scholastic book club came to our school and we got to make wishlists and we all would go home and ask are parents to buy them. It was really fun having book week, especially on Friday when we got to dress up as our favourite book charterer, I was Thing 1 and Mia (one of my friends) was Thing 2, we all had a lot of fun on for that week and I would recommend this for every school (but just don't do it on the week of Halloween)


Around the World!!!

                                                      I'm Back                  
Around the

Ok ok, no I did not travel around the world but I did at school, We went to China,Hawaii,Vietnam and Japan, we did this because are PBL is different Cultures.
   The Activity's we did at each stop 
China: We made Chinese lanterns 

Hawaii: we learnt a dance Pearly Shells
Nā pūpū pearly

      Vietnam: we mad Vietnamese Spring Rolls 
chả giò

Japan: we did a QRcode hunt with one of our teachers that teached there for 10yrs

It was real fun first day at school
Question-Have you ever gone any place out of your comfort zone???

Friday, September 1, 2017

Trying to Break a Coding World Record.

Hi Guysssssss
It's Meeeeeeeee                               
                                      I am Backkkkkkkk
Today I will be telling you about how we are trying to beat the world record in coding, we aren't sure if we have broken the world record yet but we had the press come to and talk to some of us. I was one of the people chosen to talk in the news paper it was cool and scary at the same time, I think I have some pictures, I will go searching
Sorry but we don't have any pictures
but that is all from me Byeeeeeeeeeeee

Jump Jam!!!! (So Hot)

Hi Guys 
Today I will Be tell you about something that are whole school did, for half-an-hour we did Jump-Jam at first me and my friend Mia thought this wasn't that bad, until the music came we knew none of the songs but one named chocolatey.
It was Fun apart from the heat but other wise good, we liked it.
But that is all from me,

Friday, August 25, 2017


Hi I am back and today I will tell you about swimming.
 We have been swimming at Graham Condon pool. For swimming I am in the big pool. Swimming is very very fun, I learnt survival  backstroke, Breast stroke and much much more. Here are some pictures from swimming. 
Tamera out.

Friday, July 28, 2017

Team Building Challenges

Hi I am back
Today I will be telling you about my hub doing team building in our home-bases/classes,the first activity we did was making stretchers and balancing five books and a cup of water on to,we made them out of two sheets of newspaper and one metre of tape and string, all of the teams won that challenge (but not like it was a competition) because none of the stretchers broke.
 The next one we did was building the longest chain and we had... One sheet of A4 paper a metre of tape,we came second to last but we thought we did good,
 Now the second to last one was stacking cups,we got five pieces of string attached to a rubber band,we also got six cups but we where not allowed to touch the six cups but as a team we had to figure out how to stack them. 
And the last activity we did was us in teams of five,you get 13 mini marshmallows and a lot of raw spaghetti and try and aim for the highest free standing tower.

That is all from me today BYEEEE
(Pictures below) 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

The Art Gallery

Hi I am back 
Today I will tell you about a trip I went on last week (Friday 23/6/17) 
I was really cool going and seeing all the cool and some weird art work. Some of the art work we saw was a monkey head with some sort of material on it. We look at Francis ??? (we could not remember her last name) we also looked at another person's that I sadly can't remember his name but he had most of his at work based on his son.
After we finished looking at all the cool art we went into there class room,we got to make tree houses but not real ones paper ones.

The trip to the art gallery was really cool,I would recommend going there.
Tamera Out. :p

Writing Piece

Hi I am Back and today 
I will show you one cool story that I made on Story bird it is a cool  app that you can make poems and chapter books and story's.
this is one of my favourite Story Birds

Friday, May 26, 2017

My Family Treasure

In PBL we have been learning about our family treasure,and today I will be sharing mine with you,so here it is.


My family treasure is on my mums side,is a chair,it has round circles on the top of it and it has a weaved seat,it also has bells on each bit there are probably around 30 or 20 bells on it🔔.

It came from my Grandma’s cousin to my Grandma to my Mum to me,it is now in my Bedroom.

That is my family treasure I hope you liked it.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Welcome to My Blog

Hi,Welcome to my Blog.
Here you will find lots of very cool stuff about my learning,I will have my Writing, Reading, Maths and much more. I hope all of you like my blog and the way I learn in my cool school.
I will be posting more soon.
I Hope you like it :)